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Art of this century : objects, drawings, photographs, paintings, sculpture, collages 1910 to 1942

Art of This Century <New York>

Cataloghi 1942

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Testo a stampa (moderno)
Descrizione *Art of this century : objects, drawings, photographs, paintings, sculpture, collages 1910 to 1942 / edited by Peggy Guggenheim ; introductions by Andre Breton, Arp, Piet Mondrian
New York : Art of This Century, [1942] (New York : Art Aid Corporation)
156 p. : ill. b/n; 27 cm
Note Ed. di 2500 esempl
Catalogo della omonima galleria Newyorkese.
Anno pubblicazione 1942
Primo Autore
Art of This Century <New York>
Autore secondario
Arp, Jean
Note e bibliografia
Breton, André <1896-1966>
Note e bibliografia
Guggenheim, Peggy
Note e bibliografia
Mondrian, Piet
Note e bibliografia
Lingua Inglese
Codice SBN RMR0029895
Altra edizione Art of this century : objects, drawings, photographs, paintings, sculpture, collages 1910 to 1942