biblioteche, venezia, libri, cd, dvd, prestito, consultazione, autori, editori, lettura, internet biblioteca, wifi in biblioteca, biblioteche venezia, Marciana, Ca Foscari, IUAV


How to search in the Venice Libraries catalogue

The simplest way to search the catalogue is to use the search catalog field or use the the advanced search and choose the search channel from the drop-down menu (eg Author, Title, Subject) by typing the search text in that channel.
To start a search, type in the word or phrase you want to search for and click Search. Click on advanced search if you want to refine or restrict your searches.

The words typed into a single channel are implicitly combined with the logical AND operator. Eg dog cat = dog AND cat.
You can search for exact phrases, enclosing them in "double quotes". Ex. "Promessi sposi"
You can use wildcards:

  • ? replaces only one character (eg ambient? -> environment, environments, etc. will be searched)
  • * replaces one or more characters (eg ambient * -> environment, environments, but also environmental, environment, etc. will be searched). It should be used after typing at least three characters.

Attention: the following characters can not be used in the search:
+ - & || ! () {} [] ^ "~ *?: \

In some channels, you can select an item from the drop-down menu (eg in the Language channel)

In some channels, you can first search for the term in the linked list with the button.

Search channels can be combined with logical operators:

  • AND the documents containing all the communicated search parameters will be returned as a result
  • OR documents that contain at least one of the communicated search parameters will be returned as a result

You can also create groups of search channels using the button: in this way you can combine channels and groups of channels related to different logical operators. Among the logical operators usable in the groups is also NOT, which allows to obtain as a result the documents that do NOT contain a certain parameter of research communicated. The logical operator of a group is applied to all the channels that are part of the group.

If you want to delete an already completed search channel you can use the button.

If you want to start from scratch you can use the Clear button.

Now try an advanced search!

What are reading suggestions?

Here are some reading suggestions organized and proposed by librarians on a specific topic. What you see in the window is the last one we did, but by clicking on "other proposals" you can find more suggestions. Enjoy the reading!

What is the digital library?

If you want to know more about how to use these documents in digital format, click on "instructions for use". Remember, however, that in order to read, listen and see the contents of this section, you must be a user registered in a library of the Venetian Consortium and have applied for a loan authorization. Then contact the library operators that you usually attend and ask how to use this service.