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La caccia di Enrico 4.; or, Henry the IVth of France's hunting party. An heroi-comic opera in two acts: by S. Buonaiuti. As represented at the King's Theatre, in Hay-Market. The musica by signor V. Pucitta

Buonaiuti, S.

Libretto di musica a stampa libretto Brettell, J. 1812

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Libretto di musica a stampa
Description La *caccia di Enrico 4.; or, Henry the IVth of France's hunting party. An heroi-comic opera in two acts: by S. Buonaiuti. As represented at the King's Theatre, in Hay-Market. The musica by signor V. Pucitta
London : printed by J. Brettell, Marshall-Street, Golden-Square; and sold at the Opera-House and no where else, 1812
64 p. ; 8°
Note Segn.: A-H⁴
Testo italiano-inglese
A p. 2: The subject
A p. 3: personaggi e interpreti.
Year 1812
Buonaiuti, S.
author of the original work
Collé, Charles <1709-1783>
Notes and Bibliography
Pucitta, Vincenzo
Notes and Bibliography
Catalani, Angelica
Notes and Bibliography
Di Giovanni, , <cantante> Character Marco
Griglietti, Character Agata
Miarteni, , <signor> Character Duke de Sully
Morandi, , <cantante>
Naldi, Character Michele
Pucitta, < ; cantante> Character Giannetta
Righi Character Riccardo
Tramezzani, Diomiro
Notes and Bibliography
BID MUS0038570
has for other title Henry the IVth of France's Hunting party.
La caccia di Enrico quarto.
Publication place Londra
Publisher Brettell, J.
Rappresentazione Year: 1812 Period: non rilevato Place: Hay-Market Town: Londra
Imprint n.of ret. ate! FiSe (3) 1812 (A)
Character Agata
Duke de Sully
Marquis Concini