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Amami Alfredo... : i testi delle opere Traviata, Vespri Siciliani, Ernani


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Testo a stampa (moderno)
Description *Amami Alfredo... : i testi delle opere Traviata, Vespri Siciliani, Ernani
Roma : Napoleone, 1982
125 p. : ill. ; 19 c
Note In testa al front.: Giuseppe Verdi .
Year 1982
Work's title Les Vêpres siciliennes
Sort Les *Vêpres siciliennes
Musical form dramma per musica
Synthetic organic
author of the original work Scribe, Eugène
librettist Duveyrier, Charles
has for other title Le duc d’Albe / Scribe, Eugène
Giovanna de Guzman / Scribe, Eugène
Sort *Ernani
Musical form dramma lirico
Synthetic organic
Date 1844
Sections 4 atti
librettist Piave, Francesco Maria
author of the original work Hugo, Victor <1802-1885>
has for other title Elvira di Aragona / Verdi, Giuseppe
Hernani / Hugo, Victor
Le proscrit, ou Le corsaire de Venise / Verdi, Giuseppe
La traviata
Sort La *traviata
Musical form dramma lirico
Synthetic organic
author of the original work Dumas, Alexandre <1824-1895>
librettist Piave, Francesco Maria
has for other title La dame aux camélias / Dumas, Alexandre <1824-1895>
Violetta / Verdi, Giuseppe
Duveyrier, Charles
Piave, Francesco Maria
Notes and Bibliography
Scribe, Eugène
Notes and Bibliography
Verdi, Giuseppe <1813-1901>
Notes and Bibliography
Language Italiano
BID SBL0615875
BNI 8411453
Series Tempo libero , 23
Subjects VERDI, GIUSEPPE - Opere - Libretti